News from December 2024

Texas bolsters border security with arrests and new barriers

Texas bolsters border security with arrests and new barriers

Governor Greg Abbott, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), and the Texas National Guard are working together to secure the border and prevent transnational criminal activity.

TCEQ extends grant application deadline to January 31 for emission reduction projects

TCEQ extends grant application deadline to January 31 for emission reduction projects

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has announced an extension for the application deadline of the New Technology Implementation Grants (NTIG) Program.

Texas DPS welcomes new troopers after intensive training

Texas DPS welcomes new troopers after intensive training

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has officially welcomed 130 new Troopers to the Texas Highway Patrol.

Texas Public Policy Foundation launches video series on education spending

Texas Public Policy Foundation launches video series on education spending

In Texas, the general public is largely unaware of the substantial amount of money allocated to public education, which exceeds $93 billion annually.

Governor Abbott appoints members to Judicial Compensation Commission

Governor Abbott appoints members to Judicial Compensation Commission

Governor Greg Abbott has announced the appointment of Rodney Anderson and the reappointment of Phil Johnson and Linda Kinney to the Judicial Compensation Commission.

Senator Bettencourt introduces bipartisan-supported "Sensible 4" education reform package

Senator Bettencourt introduces bipartisan-supported "Sensible 4" education reform package

Senator Paul Bettencourt of Houston has introduced a set of bills known as the "Sensible 4" for Public Education ahead of the upcoming 89th Legislative Session, starting January 14, 2025.

TASA awards scholarships to doctoral students pursuing educational leadership

TASA awards scholarships to doctoral students pursuing educational leadership

TASA has announced the recipients of the 2025 Johnny L. Veselka Scholarship, an annual award recognizing outstanding doctoral students pursuing careers in educational leadership, with a focus on superintendency.

Texas proposes adding Bitcoin to state treasury holdings

Texas proposes adding Bitcoin to state treasury holdings

The Texas Blockchain Council announced new legislation by Texas representative Giovanni Capriglione that proposes adding Bitcoin to the state's treasury holdings. Capriglione is the Chairman of Texas House Pensions, Investments, and Financial Services Committee.

Texas coalition urges legislature to secure dedicated funding for future water projects

Texas coalition urges legislature to secure dedicated funding for future water projects

A new coalition of Texas business leaders and organizations has initiated a campaign urging the Texas Legislature to establish a dedicated revenue source for future water projects.

Texas Railroad Commission considers proposal to expand oil and gas disposal in Shelby County

Texas Railroad Commission considers proposal to expand oil and gas disposal in Shelby County

The Texas Railroad Commission is expected to decide whether to allow for a new oil and gas disposal facility in Shelby County, Texas.

Texas Agriculture Commissioner criticizes proposed listing of Monarch Butterflies as threatened species

Texas Agriculture Commissioner criticizes proposed listing of Monarch Butterflies as threatened species

The Biden Administration's proposal to list the Monarch Butterfly as a threatened species has sparked criticism from Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller.

Paden McDermid wins Texas farm bureau's YF&R discussion meet

Paden McDermid wins Texas farm bureau's YF&R discussion meet

(ROUND ROCK, Texas)—Paden McDermid from Montgomery County emerged as the winner of the 2024 Texas Farm Bureau Young Farmer & Rancher Discussion Meet at the organization's 91st Annual Meeting.

Texas REALTORS CEO Travis Kessler announces retirement; Mike Barnett named successor

Texas REALTORS CEO Travis Kessler announces retirement; Mike Barnett named successor

Texas REALTORS has announced the upcoming retirement of its President and CEO, Travis Kessler, effective March 31, 2025.

Texas Historical Commission offers grants for preservation of endangered sites

Texas Historical Commission offers grants for preservation of endangered sites

Owners of endangered historic or archaeological sites in Texas have the opportunity to apply for grants from the Texas Historical Commission's (THC) Texas Preservation Trust Fund (TPTF).

Three fugitives from Texas' most wanted list apprehended

Three fugitives from Texas' most wanted list apprehended

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has announced the arrest of three individuals from the state's list of 10 Most Wanted.

SLF and TPPF release film on impacts of NOAA's proposed rule

SLF and TPPF release film on impacts of NOAA's proposed rule

On December 10, 2024, the Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) and Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) released a mini-documentary to address the consequences of government overreach.

Texas Historical Commission adds Slaton Harvey House as its 40th historic site

Texas Historical Commission adds Slaton Harvey House as its 40th historic site

The Texas Historical Commission (THC) has announced the inclusion of the Slaton Harvey House in its network of historic sites.

Texas updates respiratory illness dashboard amid rising virus activity

Texas updates respiratory illness dashboard amid rising virus activity

The Texas Department of State Health Services has made updates to its respiratory illness dashboard.

Texas lawmakers introduce energy bills ahead of 2024 legislative session

Texas lawmakers introduce energy bills ahead of 2024 legislative session

As the Texas Legislature prepares for its upcoming session beginning January 14, lawmakers have already begun filing bills focused on energy, particularly renewable energy.

Cleat criticizes DA Garza's prosecution of officer Christopher Taylor

Cleat criticizes DA Garza's prosecution of officer Christopher Taylor

CLEAT, the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas, has issued a statement regarding Austin Police Officer Christopher Taylor.