Texas 2036 executive: Texans need the ‘bolder concept that it's [prosperity] not just a miracle’

John Hryhorchuk, the senior vice president of policy and advocacy at Texas 2036, said the organization uses data to address Texas' challenges and develop solutions aimed at ensuring the state's prosperity through its bicentennial and beyond, and that there is a need for a bold vision of sustained growth. Hryhorchuk was a guest on a recent episode of the Texas Talks Podcast.

Preparing for Texas 200th Year And Beyond: A Conversation With John Hryhorchuk

Highlights from our interview with John Hryhorchuk, Senior Vice President of Policy and Advocacy for Texas 2036.

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Texas lawmakers discuss ongoing lawsuits blocking school accountability ratings

During the Senate Committee on Education, chaired by Senator Brandon Creighton, Texas Education Agency Commissioner Mike Morath and Senator Bettencourt discussed ISD lawsuits that continue to block the TEA release of A-F School Accountability system ratings in 2023 and 2024.

It should be much easier to get public information, says one Texas lawmaker

On a recent episode of the Texas Talks podcast, Representative Cody Vasut said that he may pursue legislation which makes it easier for the public to access government records.

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Report: Federal Energy Subsidies Driving the Energy Transition in the U.S., Texas

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Texas Blockchain Council president: There is ‘hundreds of billions of dollars circulating in stablecoins’

Lee Bratcher, the president and founder of the Texas Blockchain Council, said that stablecoins, mainly in US dollars and significant buyers of treasuries, help maintain the dollar as the world reserve currency and will impact finance greatly in the next decade. Bratcher was a guest on a recent episode of the Texas Talks Podcast.

OPINION: Government-imposed electricity costs totaled $20 billion last year

Only a decade ago, Texas had the most competitive electricity market in the world, a market that produced reliable, affordable electricity. Today, the Texas electric grid has been taken over by Texas government. This has produced predictable results: reliability has plummeted while costs have skyrocketed.

Energy experts question whether subsidies will improve Texas grid reliability

Several energy experts recently questioned whether Texas’ massive increase in subsidies for generators will be effective in addressing the rapidly growing reliability problems caused by renewable energy.

Urban Reform president: ‘PR requests are something that we do a lot at Urban Reform’

Charles Blain, president of Urban Reform, said that their organization frequently uses public information requests to inform the public about local government activities, particularly in Harris County and Houston. Urban Reform promotes free market solutions to urban issues to encourage community engagement and change. Blain was a guest on a recent episode of the Texas Talks Podcast.

Texas unveils plan to address healthcare workforce shortages

Governor Greg Abbott has announced the release of a comprehensive report by the Healthcare Workforce Task Force, aimed at addressing healthcare workforce shortages in Texas. The recommendations seek to meet the demands of the state's growing population.

Raise Your Hand Texas calls on state lawmakers to prioritize investment in public school students, teachers

Austin-based education non-profit organization Raise Your Hands Texas (RYHT) has urged the state’s lawmakers to prioritize and strengthen the state’s investment in Texas’ 5.5 million public school students and teachers.

TASB Division Director: There is ‘a plateau with the most recent scores’ due to an inconsistent ‘assessment system’

Dax Gonzalez, the governmental relations division director at the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), said that state-mandated accelerated instruction helped improve test scores initially, but recent data shows a plateau in student performance, partly due to changes in the assessment system. Gonzalez was a guest on a recent episode of the Texas Talks Podcast.

Texas Center for Book hosts spooky storytime with Bernadette Nason on Oct. 14

The Texas Center for the Book has announced a Spooky Storytime event at the Texas State Library on Monday, Oct. 14. The event will feature award-winning storyteller Bernadette Nason and is open to all ages. It will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Public Event Space at the Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library Building, located at 1201 Brazos St. in Austin, next to the Texas Capitol.

TASB Division Director: ‘A lot of that [state funding] money isn't classroom-dedicated money’

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