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Alice Amilhat | Texas Department of Public Safety

Texas Department of Public Safety announced new assistant chief of the crime laboratory


Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) announced Alice Amilhat was promoted to a role of directing and managing the forensic crime laboratory.

According to News Channel 6, Alice Amilhat's new promotion is a newly created opportunity. Throughout her twenty years of loyalty to DPS, she's held a variety of roles from DNA leading, to evidence technician, and even Laboratory manager. She received her Professional Science Master's degree and a Bachelor of Science degree from separate universities.

The Crime Laboratory Division has progressed greatly over the years. It started as a one-chemist foundation, and now is a 660 people operation. The foundation also has progressed in their capabilities as well. It provides different forensic data and DNA analysis, as well as trace evidence, digital evidence, and toxicology. This expansion in size and services is what led to the creation of Amilhat's newly held position, according to BollyInside News.

The DPS' goal is to support the criminal justice efforts of Texas. The Laboratory is independent of the Criminal Law Enforcement Division, which it was once affiliated with until 2021. The association became independent because of its active growth and development, according to a press release from the DPS.


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