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Dallas Breathe Free offers a variety of testing and treatment options to provide permanent relief. | Corina/Unsplash

Fort Worth/Irving doctor says it's important for each patient to know that the office staff cares about them


• Dallas Breathe Free offers an online quiz for potential patients to evaluate their symptoms.

• Dr. Monty Trimble specializes in the innovative, in-office balloon sinus dilation procedure.

• Dallas Breathe Free is a comprehensive ear, nose and throat facility using state-of-the-art technology.

Dr. Monty Trimble | Dallas Breathe Free

Dallas Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers offers a Sinus Self-Assessment Quiz, where you can select symptoms you experience that could be related to sinusitis and receive a score that represents how much your sinuses impact your quality of life. Some of the symptoms are directly associated with the sinuses, such as congestion and experiencing nasal drainage, while other symptoms may seem more mental or psychological, such as fatigue or lack of ability to concentrate.

Dr. Monty Trimble graduated magna cum laude with a degree in biochemistry from Texas A&M University before earning his medical degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. He has been awarded “Top Doc” in otolaryngology by Fort Worth Magazine four times. Trimble is a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha National Medical Honor Society, the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the American Medical Association and the Tarrant County Medical Society.

"My practice philosophy has always been that the the patient comes first, and our goal is to serve the needs of the patient," Trimble told the Lone Star Standard. "You might say, what does that really mean? To me it means that, hopefully, the person who answers the phone is compassionate and caring, and the empathy is something that a patient can hear. It's the same as, when the patients come into the office, the office staff caring about the patient, and it's kind of hard to fake that. So if you care about people, people know that. Not only do you have to be kind and compassionate with a good bedside manner, but most importantly, you have to have effective, (provide) quality care, and you have to be competent and good at what you do. We always want to make sure that we put the patients first."

Dallas Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers offers a variety of testing and treatment options to provide permanent relief for people who suffer from allergies, sinus infections and sleep apnea. The practice offers innovative treatments such as balloon sinuplasty procedures. The offices are located on Cottonwood Lane in Irving and Locke Avenue in Fort Worth.


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