America’s strength has always been forged by those willing to step up and serve. As a veteran of the Texas Army National Guard, I have seen firsthand the sacrifices made by those who wear the uniform, men and women who dedicate themselves to defending our freedoms. Our nation owes them not just gratitude, but action—especially when it comes to ensuring they receive the benefits they have earned honorably. That is why I strongly oppose the GUARD VA Benefits Act, misguided legislation that, while claiming to protect veterans, actually limits their choices and forces them into a broken system.
The GUARD Act, first introduced in 2022, is being pushed under the guise of shielding veterans from unaccredited claims representatives. However, the truth is far more troubling: this bill is not about protecting veterans—it is about protecting the VA’s monopoly over the benefits process, even if it means making veterans suffer in the process. It criminalizes private claims assistance, effectively stripping veterans of their ability to seek outside help when navigating the often-impenetrable bureaucracy of the VA.
To anyone who has ever filed a VA disability claim, the reality is painfully clear—the system is failing our veterans. At this moment, over 378,000 claims have been pending for more than 125 days. The process is riddled with red tape, requiring veterans to compile extensive documentation, prove service-related conditions, and endure months—sometimes years—of waiting. Many of these veterans are disabled, struggling to work, and dealing with mental and physical wounds sustained in service to this country.
The government insists that Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) can handle the caseload, but this is a fantasy detached from reality. VSOs are overworked, understaffed, and simply do not have the resources to keep up with the overwhelming demand. This has left countless veterans with no real options—except for the private sector, which has stepped in where Washington has failed. Private claims assistance firms have helped thousands of veterans file accurate claims, reduce errors, and fight back against wrongful VA denials.
Instead of addressing these structural failures, the GUARD Act doubles down on them by cutting veterans off from an alternative that has proven effective. This is not about protecting veterans—it is about silencing competition and shielding an inefficient system from scrutiny. The real question is: why should veterans be forced to rely solely on a system that has already let so many of them down?
In Texas, we believe in freedom, competition, and accountability. That includes ensuring that veterans have the ability to seek help from reputable private companies that can assist them in securing their benefits. Instead of outright banning private-sector assistance, Congress should be looking at real reforms—such as banning upfront fees, setting reasonable fee caps, and requiring full transparency. But eliminating private assistance entirely is an attack on veterans’ rights.
If lawmakers truly cared about veterans, they would focus on fixing the VA—not protecting it from competition. We need to streamline the claims process, hold the VA accountable for delays, and increase transparency in how veterans’ cases are handled. Texas veterans, especially those in rural areas, cannot afford to be left stranded in a system that prioritizes bureaucracy over service.
The GUARD Act is another D.C. power grab that will make it even harder for those who have already sacrificed so much to receive the benefits they deserve. If we truly want to honor our veterans, we must stand against this legislation and demand real change.
It is time for Congress to act for our veterans, not against them. Texans, and all Americans, must push back against this misguided bill—not more bureaucracy, not more roadblocks, and certainly not another government failure.
Our nation stands strongest when it stands by its warriors. It’s time to fight for those who fought for us.
Brian Taef is the Chief Executive Officer of US Millennials, Inc., and is a veteran of the Texas Army National Guard.