Opponents welcome expiration of Chapter 313 tax-abatement program, claiming 'it was abused'

Opponents welcome expiration of Chapter 313 tax-abatement program, claiming 'it was abused'

Opponents of a tax-abatement program have welcomed its expiration, with one organization claiming it was open to abuse and had strayed far from its original intent.

CASA Dallas program director: Human trafficking in North Texas 'is huge'

CASA Dallas program director: Human trafficking in North Texas 'is huge'

North Texas is a hotbed for human trafficking, one of the busiest in the country, according to an activist and advocate with a deep personal interest in combating the scourge.

Abbott, Paxton warn of human trafficking increase after policy change on unaccompanied minors

Abbott, Paxton warn of human trafficking increase after policy change on unaccompanied minors

President Joe Biden's policy of stopping the immediate deportation of unaccompanied minors crossing the border "is enriching the cartels, smugglers and human traffickers," according to Gov. Greg Abbott.

University of Houston survey: Majority of Texans support criminal justice reform

University of Houston survey: Majority of Texans support criminal justice reform

A large majority of Texans support criminal justice reform bills filed by legislators, according to a survey by the University of Houston.

Thousands arrested in Texas annually over fine-only offenses

Thousands arrested in Texas annually over fine-only offenses

Tens of thousands of Texas citizens are arrested every year for minor fine-only offenses, mostly traffic violations, and it’s costing the state, according to one study.

Cornyn says opposition to delaying Biden's certification 'based on unproven allegations'

Cornyn says opposition to delaying Biden's certification 'based on unproven allegations'

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) has written a detailed letter explaining why he opposed attempts to delay the certification of the presidential election results in favor of President-elect Joe Biden.

Human Rights Initiative of North Texas: Immigrants falling prey to predatory individuals

Human Rights Initiative of North Texas: Immigrants falling prey to predatory individuals

Asylum seekers and other immigrants fleeing violence can find themselves vulnerable to predatory individuals, according to a north Texas human rights group.

 IHS Markit predicts more oil refineries will shutter amid dramatic drop in demand due to COVID-19

IHS Markit predicts more oil refineries will shutter amid dramatic drop in demand due to COVID-19

COVID-19 is delivering an "abrupt shock" to the oil industry with more refineries set to close amid a dramatic drop in demand, according to a leading industry analyst.

Texas restaurant business collapse seriously affects trucking, farming as well

Texas restaurant business collapse seriously affects trucking, farming as well

The perilous state of restaurants and other hospitality businesses in Texas due to the COVID-19 pandemic is having a tangible effect on many other sectors, including farming and trucking.

TPPF federal court filing asserts that hospitals must provide pricing transparency

TPPF federal court filing asserts that hospitals must provide pricing transparency

Most hospital patients, like consumers in general, should be able to learn the cost of what they're buying before purchase, a group of free-market-advocacy organizations argue.