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Vineyard Wind 1 | BOEM Project Environmental Statement

Texas Public Policy Foundation petitions Supreme Court over Vineyard Wind Project

The Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) has submitted a petition to the United States Supreme Court, seeking a review of a federal court of appeals decision that allowed the Vineyard Wind 1 offshore wind energy project to proceed. This project is located off the coast of Massachusetts and is part of an initiative from the former Biden Administration aimed at reducing fossil fuel demand across the country.

According to TPPF, this project was approved despite concerns related to environmental, safety, and national security risks. Last July, these concerns were highlighted when a large windmill blade collapsed into the ocean, spreading debris and leading to beach closures on the East Coast.

Ted Hadzi-Antich, TPPF senior attorney and lead counsel in the case, said: "The Biden Administration’s Departments of the Interior, Commerce, and Defense knew that the Vineyard Wind 1 project would result in momentous adverse impacts to safety, the environment, endangered species, and national security but permitted it anyway, thereby violating the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act and the National Environmental Policy Act."

Hadzi-Antich further emphasized that federal agencies failed in their duty to adhere to legal requirements: "This is a stark example of federal administrative agencies shirking their responsibilities to follow the law. When that happens, we are here to hold their feet to the fire."

Information from this article can be found here.

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