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San Angelo Park | Texas Parks & Wildlife

Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approves record-breaking $30.9M in local park grants


The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission has approved over $30.9 million in local park grants, marking a new record aimed at enhancing outdoor recreational opportunities across the state. The grants are distributed to local government entities on a 50/50 reimbursement match basis, ensuring that funded sites remain parkland indefinitely, properly maintained and accessible to the public.

The funding will benefit 50 community parks statewide, providing nature trails, native landscaping, playgrounds, splash pads, sports fields, kayak launches, piers, and other amenities. The commission administers the local park grants program for Texas and awards grants based on community population and project scope.

Urban Outdoor Recreation Grants are designated for local governments with populations exceeding 500,000; three communities received this grant. Non-Urban Outdoor Recreation Grants target municipalities under 500,000 residents with awards given to projects in 21 communities. Small Community Recreation Grants serve towns with populations below 20,000 and were awarded to 16 communities.

For more information about the local park grants program, visit the TPWD local park grants page.

In Central Texas, Boerne Parks and Recreation Department received $750,000 for Northside Community Park development. Brownwood was granted $1.5 million for Bennie Houston Recreation Center renovations. Buda received $750,000 for Garison Park's first phase development. Jonestown was awarded $140,000 for Jones Brothers Park renovations.

East Texas saw Angleton receiving two grants totaling over $1.6 million for recreation center renovations and Abigail Arias Park development. Brazoria County was awarded $208,218 for Buffalo Camp County Park improvements.

North Texas allocations included Blue Ridge receiving $150,000 for Mowery Park construction while Caddo Mills got $750,000 for Hooten Park's second phase development.

In South Texas, Cameron County received significant funding including a $1.5 million grant for Laguna Madre Nature Center construction.

West Texas allocations included El Paso receiving a $1.5 million urban outdoor grant for Eastside Regional project developments.

For detailed information on specific projects and regions receiving funding under this initiative by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission or inquiries regarding the program details or future grant applications please contact TPWD News during business hours at 512-389-8030 or visit their website.


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