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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott | Facebook

Abbott: 'A strong and fair civil justice system is the bedrock of our great state'


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said maintaining a "strong and fair civil justice system" is a foundational aspect of Texas government. He made the statements in a proclamation recognizing Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week. 

"A strong and fair civil justice system is the bedrock of our great state and nation," Gov. Abbott wrote in a statement. "Unfortunately, it is often taken for granted and has, at times, been threatened by those who prefer greed over justice and lawsuits over jobs."

"Citizens and business groups are at the forefront of these reforms, and they work tirelessly to educate, advocate, and drive the conversation on reform," he said. "These community-minded groups highlight injustices that continue to impact our civil justice system; inform the public of abuses and misuses of our courts; and build consensus around solutions to rein in costly, abusive lawsuits and questionable legal practices."

October 7 through October 11 is Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week, an initiative to raise awareness of the growing misuse of the U.S. civil justice system. A key factor driving up litigation costs is third-party litigation funding (TPLF), which has significantly contributed to the rising cost of insurance claims, known as social inflation.

Abbott made a formal proclamation recognizing the initiative across the state of Texas. 

Robert Wood, spokesperson for Texans Against Lawsuit Abuse (TALA), said lawsuit reform efforts in the state have made Texas one of the strongest business climates in the country.

“Some personal injury lawyers are relentless in their efforts to invent new ways to sue and to undermine reforms that are working for Texas,” Wood said.  “Lawsuit Abuse Awareness Week is a good reminder to maintain a watchful eye on those who would abuse the legal system for greed.  Our work to stop lawsuit abuse never stops.”