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Texas Railroad Commissioner Jim Wright. | Texas Railroad Commission

Texas Railroad Commissioner Wright testifies before Congress


Texas Railroad Commissioner Jim Wright recently testified before the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources in Washington, D.C., expressing support for bipartisan legislation aimed at providing states with more flexibility in using orphan well plugging funds allocated under the Infrastructure, Investment, and Jobs Act. House Resolution (HR) 7053, known as the Orphan Well Grant Flexibility Act, would allow states to be more flexible regarding methane monitoring of orphan wells through the Department of the Interior (DOI) Formula Grant program.

According to a July 25 press release issued by the Railroad Commission (RRC), Wright said that the cost to plug these wells would increase because of the methane monitoring requirements under the DOI’s current Formula Grant.

"Raising plugging costs by 10% translates into 10% fewer wells plugged for states with large orphan well populations," Wright added.

During his testimony, Wright discussed other failures of the DOI’s Orphaned Wells Program Office, including delays Texas has experienced related to reviews under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).

"These delays have significantly hindered Texas’s ability to plug orphan wells," he said.

Wright also mentioned that $25 million through the DOI’s Initial Grant allowed the state to plug close to 730 wells, according to the release.

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