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Dwight D. Mathis, Lt. Colonel, Deputy Director Law Enforcement Operations | National Black State Troopers Coalition Facebook

Boat dedicated to fallen DPS trooper at ceremony in Amarillo


The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) held a boat dedication ceremony at the Texas Panhandle War Memorial in Amarillo to honor the life and service of fallen Trooper Matthew Myrick. The newly commissioned boat, named Patrol Vessel Myrick, will be transported to DPS’ Tactical Marine Unit stationed at the Texas-Mexico border.

Members of Trooper Myrick’s family attended the event along with State Representative Four Price, DPS Regional Director Joe Longway, Texas Highway Patrol Chief Bryan Rippee, fellow troopers, and other area law enforcement and elected officials.

"This boat dedication is a meaningful way to honor the courageous legacy of Trooper Matthew Myrick,” said Representative Price. “It serves as a reminder to all of us that the Texas Department of Public Safety never forgets the heroic individuals who gave their lives in the line of duty serving our community. I'm grateful to the Texas DPS for making this dedication possible."

“Trooper Matthew Myrick lived serving others, first as a member of the United States Navy and then as a Texas Highway Patrolman,” said Regional Director Longway. “The boat dedication is a fitting testament to his sacrifice and selfless service. The vessel carrying Trooper Matthew Myrick's name will protect the citizens of this great state with distinction and honor, just as he did.”

“Trooper Myrick selflessly served his fellow Texans and Americans in the United States Navy and as a DPS Trooper, and Vessel Myrick will continue that legacy as it patrols waterways to keep our state and nation safe,” said Chief Rippee. “Vessel Myrick will be a permanent reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made by Trooper Myrick, and I am proud to be in Amarillo today as we honor his life and legacy.”

Trooper Myrick died at age 36 in a vehicle crash while responding to a call on January 20, 2006. He joined DPS in 2003 and was stationed in Hereford. He is survived by his wife, four children, his parents, and sister.


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