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Texas Workforce Commission recognizes employers who prioritize disability inclusion

The Texas Workforce Commission's specialty We Hire Ability Program honors employers who put importance on hiring people with disabilities. The program recognizes Texas employers for their commitment to disability inclusion. The Workforce Commission thanks and honors employers who prioritize disability hiring.

The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is in charge of managing and overseeing the employers and workforce of Texas. Their mission, as stated on their website, is to "promote and support a workforce system that creates value and offers employers, families, individuals, and communities the opportunity to achieve and sustain economic prosperity." The TWC achieves this by listening to the needs of employers and helping them to succeed so that the economy of Texas as a whole can succeed.

The TWC's We Hire Ability Program was created to recognize employers who prioritize hiring people with disabilities and making the workplace accessible for them. To be nominated, a company must meet certain criteria, including having people with disabilities make up at least 10% of the workforce. These individuals must be paid at least minimum wage and work full or part-time. The workplace must also have a diverse workforce where people with disabilities work alongside those without disabilities and interact with customers or consumers in the same ways.

The U.S. Department of Labor also provides guidance for employers on hiring and implementing workers with disabilities into their workforce. Some of their suggestions include collecting ideas from the company's Corporate Disability Group, hosting a Disability Mentoring group to promote career development, sponsoring a sign language class for employees, and interviewing students on campus tours to gauge their interest. A comprehensive list of suggestions can be found on the Department of Labor's website.

By recognizing and honoring employers who prioritize disability inclusion, the Texas Workforce Commission's We Hire Ability Program is helping to create a more inclusive and diverse workforce in Texas.

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