Senator Ted Cruz | Senator Ted Cruz Official Website

Sen. Cruz on Today’s Supreme Court Ruling in Groff V. Dejoy: ‘religious Liberty Has Prevailed Once Again’


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, today issued the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling in Groff v. DeJoy:

“Today, the Supreme Court rightly reaffirmed religious liberty, ruling that the USPS, under the leadership of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, had failed to adequately accommodate postal carrier Gerald Groff’s ability to observe the Sabbath, as his religion requires.  This decision is not only a victory for our ‘first freedom,’ but is also an important check on future efforts by the federal government to trample the religious rights of federal workers. With today’s decision, religious liberty has prevailed once again.”

Sen. Cruz, in conjunction with Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) and Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), authored an amicus brief for the case, which ten other Members of Congress joined. Read the brief here.


Sen. Cruz has led the fight for religious liberty and free speech in the U.S. Senate:

  • Sen. Cruz secured unanimous passage by the United States Senate of his resolution establishing that antisemitism is a unique form of hatred and condemning all forms of antisemitism.
  • Sen. Cruz has led the fight to hold Big Tech accountable for their censorship policies and questioned the CEOs of Twitter, Facebook, and Google about Big Tech’s repeated political censorship, election interference, and reforming rules governing social media companies.
  • During the pandemic, Sen. Cruz led the fight for religious exemptions to the Covid-19 vaccine mandate.
  • Sen. Cruz secured language in the FY 2023 National Defense Authorization Act requiring the Department of Defense to report to Congress concerning the review process for servicemembers’ requests for religious exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
  • In case after case where our religious liberty is at stake, Sen. Cruz petitions the Supreme Court to side with the Constitution and preserve religious liberty – whether its making sure a Christian artist can design wedding websites according to her conscience, a football coachcan pray before a game, or Christian schools are able to operate without being discriminated against by the state, Sen. Cruz is a passionate defender of religious liberty.
  • Sen. Cruz has long been an advocate for religious freedom, leading the effort to unequivocally condemn the antisemitic terrorist attack that occurred at Congregation Beth Israel in January 2022.
  • Sen. Cruz has continually fought for parental rights in education. In 2021, he introduced the END CRT Act, and demanded the DOJ not interfere with local school board meetings or threaten the use of federal law enforcement to deter parents’ free speech.
Original source can be found here.


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