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Stacey D. Stewart, CEO | Mothers Against Drunk Drives Texas website

MADD and Diageo North America Partner to Tackle Impaired Driving


Mothers Against Drunk Driving® (MADD) and Diageo North America have announced a new partnership aimed at addressing the issue of impaired driving in the United States. The collaboration will focus on education, awareness, and prevention campaigns to help put an end to drunk driving.

"In recent years, we have witnessed a surge in drunk driving. Just since 2019, alcohol-related traffic fatalities have increased by 31%. MADD and Diageo are acutely aware that lives are at stake," said MADD CEO Stacey D. Stewart.

The first initiative of this partnership will be to send a clear message to football fans across the country, urging them to celebrate and enjoy the game safely without drinking and driving. The goal is to emphasize the importance of responsible alcohol consumption and to prevent any potential accidents caused by impaired driving.

Impaired driving has become a growing concern, with a 14% increase observed for two consecutive years. In 2023 alone, it caused 13,000 deaths, marking the highest number since 2007. Every 79 seconds, someone in the U.S. is either killed or injured by a drunk driver.

MADD has been at the forefront of efforts to combat drunk driving for over four decades. The organization has helped save nearly 400,000 lives and provided support to almost one million victims. Their recent legislative victory, the HALT Act, requires advanced impaired driving prevention technology in all new cars.

Diageo North America, known for its effective programming to prevent impaired driving, is proud to join forces with MADD in this endeavor. "With our combined expertise, networks, and educational resources to address alcohol-related harm, together we are stronger to raise awareness and help save lives," said Stephanie Childs, Executive Vice President of Corporate Relations at Diageo North America.

Over the years, Diageo has implemented and supported various drunk driving programs worldwide, working with different organizations and agencies to promote education and enforcement. In the U.S., Diageo has supported initiatives aimed at reducing traffic deaths and improving road safety through partnerships with the private sector, local authorities, law enforcement, and other agencies.

The partnership between MADD and Diageo North America is a significant step towards creating a future where no one has to fear becoming a victim of impaired driving. By leveraging their resources and platforms, they aim to educate communities about the dangers of impaired driving, the need for underage drinking education and prevention, and the importance of legislative efforts.

MADD and Diageo North America will announce additional details about their partnership in the near future. This collaboration gives hope that together, we can make a difference and put an end to impaired driving in the United States.


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