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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott declared Economic Development Week in Texas. |

Abbott: 'This Economic Development Week, we celebrate the more than 700 economic development organizations across Texas'


Gov. Greg Abbott has proclaimed May 8-12, 2023, as Economic Development Week in Texas, a press release from his office says.

"This Economic Development Week, we celebrate the more than 700 economic development organizations across Texas and their efforts to bolster communities both large and small," Abbott is quoted as saying in the press release. "Thanks to economic development partnerships across the state, Texas is an economic juggernaut and remains the premier destination for workers and businesses from all over the world."

The release said Abbott acknowledges the role of economic development partnerships in making Texas a thriving economic hub. 

"Texas continues to set new records for total employment and jobs. Thanks to dedicated economic development professionals and organizations in every region of the state, Texas has remained the Best State for Business for a record 19 years in a row and been awarded the Governor's Cup for the most job-creating corporate relocation and expansion projects for the last 11 consecutive years," the release says.

"Last month, Texas also broke all previous records for total jobs, total Texans employed, and total Texas labor force and leads all states for jobs added over the last 12 months," the press release adds. 

The release said Abbott's Office of Economic Development and Tourism works with community and regional allies to promote and bolster the state's standing as the preeminent hub for business prospects, safeguarding Texas's top position in the nation's business landscape.

"Since I've been governor, Texas has repeatedly broken historic employment records—including breaking three jobs records just last month—adding more than 2 million jobs and leading all other states with the fastest growing economy in the country. Working together, we will ensure Texas remains the economic engine of the nation," Abbott said in the press release.