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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott | Facebook/ Greg Abbott

Abbott introduces anti-gang center In Laredo, as ‘safe communities promote robust business’


Gov. Greg Abbott inaugurated the Laredo Police Department’s new Texas Anti-Gang (TAG) Center during a ribbon-cutting ceremony in Laredo. 

The center will be the ninth of its kind in Texas and will collaborate with law enforcement agencies to investigate and arrest criminal gangs, organized crime, and violent crime in the Laredo area.

“Laredo is a vibrant city and a hub of international commerce, and we know that safe communities promote robust business,” Abbott said during the March 13 event, a release said. 

The governor presented LPD Acting Chief Steve Landin with a proclamation in recognition of the event.

The Governor’s Public Safety Office has funded TAG Centers to bring together local, state, and federal law enforcement and prosecutor offices through strategic partnerships and targeted investigative efforts that act as a force multiplier in joint gang enforcement operations, the release said. The Laredo TAG Center joins others in Dallas-Fort Worth, El Paso, Houston, Lubbock, McAllen, San Antonio, Tyler, and Waco. Governor Abbott said that the new anti-gang center will help keep Laredo a safe city.

Gang activity is not unique to Laredo but spans across Texas and is growing more dangerous by the day, Abbott explained. He thanked all law enforcement officers involved for their hard work and collaboration in cracking down on gang violence to ensure the safety of Texas communities. The Laredo TAG Center will work to find criminal elements, arrest them, and put them out of business.

In related news, the Laredo Texas Anti-Gang Center has created a website that is designed to help educate the public about criminal gangs since gang membership has been on a growth trend nationally. The website provides a way for residents to report tips to thwart the potential threat. Among other things, it lets the public submit anonymous tips about suspected gang activity. It also keeps the public up to date about actions being taken in light of the trend.


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