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Having chronic sinusitis can cause you to lose your sense of smell. |

Local doctor says people suffering from sinus problems should seek treatment as soon as possible


• Sinus infections can lead to a loss of taste and smell.
• Losing the ability to taste and smell can cause a decreased quality of life for the patient.
• Treating the sinus infection can restore the patient's sense of taste and smell.

Dr. Monty Trimble of Dallas Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers said that people suffering from sinus problems should seek treatment, instead of trying to just deal with the issue themselves. 

"When people get sick, rinsing the nose can temporarily be helpful, but when you think about what's going on in the sinuses, whether it's a chronic inflammatory issue or even a recurrent infectious type issue, ultimately it seems like it's the opening of the sinus that is really the issue," Trimble told Lone Star Standard. "If the opening is becoming obstructed, then the sinus stays either infected, or at least inflamed. The longer the disease process, the less likely it is that that sinuses will recover, and that's why I tell patients it's important to address these issues and not to simply live with them."

Many Americans' holiday celebrations feature a traditional meal, with a YouGov survey finding that the most popular foods to have on the table at the holidays are roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, turkey, bread rolls and stuffing, Taste of Home reported.

But people suffering from chronic sinus infections may not be able to enjoy their meals this holiday season due to a loss of the senses of smell and taste, according to Houston ENT. Congestion is a common symptom of sinus infections, and a stuffy nose can decrease your ability to taste by blocking access to the part of the brain that processes taste.

People who lose their ability to smell and taste frequently experience decreased appetite and poor nutrition, and may be more likely to experience depression as well, according to Mayo Clinic. Some might use excess salt or sugar on food to try to make it taste better, which can exacerbate problems with diabetes or high blood sugar.

Fortunately, if the loss of taste and smell is due to a sinus infection or other nasal issue, treating the infection can restore the patient's senses of taste and smell.

To learn more about the symptoms of sinus infections, take this Sinus Self-Assessment Quiz.


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