U.S. Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) | Facebook.com/repdanbishop

Cloud supports fellow Republican's right-to-work proposal


U.S. Rep. Michael Cloud (R-Texas) backed Rep. Dan Bishop’s (R-N.C.) House Resolution 620 that Bishop says protects workers’ rights on Sept. 22.

“American workers should be free to do their jobs without Democrats forcing them to fund leftist political causes,” Bishop stated in his news release.

A right-to-work law bans businesses and unions from requiring union membership as an employment condition.

“My resolution will ensure that it doesn’t happen, protecting workers’ rights across the country,” Bishop said.

Twenty-seven states have implemented these laws.

“States that have enacted a right-to-work law have seen significant gains between June 2019 and June 2021,” Keystone Today reported.

Recently, right-to-work laws have been highlighted as a marker of economic success. 

Keystone Today cited an opinion column published by the Washington, Pennsylvania, newspaper the Observer-Reporter, which noted that states with right-to-work laws have been identified as improving their economies more quickly than those without. The column cited an analysis by the Allegheny Institute for Public Policy.

Cloud, who represents Texas's 27th Congressional District, was first elected to Congress in 2018 in a special election.

To date, H.R.620 has 45 co-sponsors, according to Congress.gov's tracker.


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