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Cruz voices opposition to Nord Stream 2 report


The Biden Administration has recently released its report concerning the Nord Stream 2 project. Republican lawmakers are infuriated by the lack of sanctions against the Russia-to-Germany pipeline project.

The Nord Stream 2 project is Russian president Vladimir Putin’s pipeline that will bypass Ukraine and head toward Germany. The pipeline, when finished, will severely encumber Ukraine and strengthen Putin’s hold on the beleaguered nation.

It will also, according to Republicans, empower Putin to bully other nations served by that pipeline as he can effectively cut off power to any country that disagrees with his policies.

According to The Epoch Times, President Biden’s administration neglected to mention any new sanctions against Russia, Germany or any other European entity involved in the construction project.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz criticized Biden for not being tough enough against Putin. He said that it was “startling to see the Biden administration begin by handing Putin a victory he has been building towards for over a decade.” Cruz added, “There is no coherent legal justification for this report.”

Sen. Tom Cotton challenged Biden to stay true to his vow to sanction the people behind the Nord Stream 2 project. He said that if Biden is serious about his promise to penalize those involved in the pipe-laying project he should be more aggressive in sanctioning Putin; otherwise this project would be a “gift’ to the Russian dictator from the Biden Administration.


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