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Cates: Impeachment completely nonsensical


The impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump has resulted in a lot of debate, and opinion writer Brian Cates has pointed out what he sees as fallacies in an article in The Epoch Times.

Cates called it an unconstitutional farce of a senate show trial.

The 2021 impeachment is the second one that Trump has faced.

“This latest farce is even more ridiculous than the one the nation was forced to endure almost exactly a year ago when they impeached Trump for a phone call to the newly elected leader of Ukraine,” he said.

Cates said that the impeachment article is “nonsensical” and would “collapse under its own absurd weight.”

He stressed that Trump could have not incited the attack because “official court filings reveal that some of the alleged key instigators of the violence at the Capitol Building had been planning their attack for days in advance.” Additionally, “nowhere in the speech (in front of the protesters) does he urge any violence,” Cates said.

He also questioned the official timeline showing that the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol began before Trump finished his speech. Cates said “if Trump incited a mob, and targeted it at the assembled Congress, the attack at the Capitol would have started much later” because it takes about 40 minutes to walk from the Ellipse to the Capitol.


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