U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz |

Cruz: We have an obligation to the Constitution to ensure that the election is lawful


Sen. Ted Cruz on Sunday said that representatives owe it voters to assess the credibility of the 2020 elections. Speaking to Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures," Cruz said that not auditing the election would be a serious violation of democracy.

“That’s bad for the legitimacy of any subsequent presidential elections, and so dismissing these claims, I think, does real violence to our democratic system. “We ought to have a serious fair process and tribunal to consider these claims — consider them quickly, consider them expeditiously — and we can do it in 10 days before the inauguration,” he said.

Cruz emphasized that regaining voter confidence should be a bipartisan duty which is not easily achievable especially at this time that we are in.

“Reestablishing trust in our democratic process, and I believe that should be a bipartisan objective. Democrats should be interested in Americans having confidence in our electoral system just as much as Republicans should be.”

This comes after the Texas senator and 10 other senators announced that come Jan. 6, they will oppose the Electoral College certification of President-elect Joe Biden.

Around 40 lawsuits have been filed, it is reported that 86 judges have thrown out all the lawsuits for lack of evidence. Federal election officials are on record denying the voter fraud allegations


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