GOP gubernatorial challenger Huffines: Texas plays 'second fiddle' to Florida
By Savannah Howe | Jan 28, 2022
The latest Cato Institute Freedom Index numbers report that Texas has climbed by three since the last edition, but the state needs to improve its efforts, according to Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Don Huffines.

Jack County commissioner postpones wind farms vote to ensure thorough debate
By Savannah Howe | Oct 26, 2021
The development of wind farms has been a popular recent conversation piece in Jack County, and conflict reached a zenith this summer when the push to grant French-owned Lasso Wind a tax reduction for a wind farm development was forced to a standstill.

Community member frustrated as Jack County wind farm vote drags on
By Savannah Howe | Sep 13, 2021
A decision on Jack County welcoming a new Lasso Wind LLC wind farm installment is long overdue.

Energy Alliance official: A capacity market for electricity comes with 'high costs'
By Savannah Howe | Apr 9, 2021
The future of Texas' electric grid remains up in the air as controllers, legislators and advocacy groups battle over whether the competitive market should continue.

2016 study: Human trafficking costs Texas billions
By Savannah Howe | Feb 19, 2021
A 110-page report on the economic impact and prevalence of human trafficking in Texas from the University of Texas at Austin Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault shows trafficking costs the state billions.

Center for Carbon Management in Energy director: Decarbonization is the future of global energy
By Savannah Howe | Feb 15, 2021
In August 2020, Texas' largest battery storage system, the Upton County 10 million-megawatt battery storage project, was dubbed an "all around success" by an independent auditor almost two years into the system's operation.

National School Choice Week president: 'I doubt we will see a decrease in parent support and demand for options' after pandemic
By Savannah Howe | Feb 1, 2021
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic have been felt in industries all across Texas, including small businesses, media and social fields, and – perhaps most important – the public school system.

Texas Workforce Commission offers resources to assist restaurants in reopening
By Savannah Howe | Jan 26, 2021
Additional resources are available to Texas restaurants struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Colorado officials under scrutiny for using taxpayer money to pay Texas writers for vacation articles
By Savannah Howe | Nov 3, 2020
Colorado officials and Texas journalists are facing scrutiny after an open records request disclosed that the state has used taxpayer dollars to pay for the journalists to vacation in the state, according to an Oct. 21 article from KUNC.

Freedom from Religion Foundation alleges former Texas assistant AG used position to push faith-based interests
By Savannah Howe | Oct 22, 2020
Jeff Mateer, former general counsel for radical Judeo-Christian group the First Liberty Institution, resigned from his position as first assistant attorney general of Texas earlier this month.