Local doctor: 'People who have chronic rhinosinusitis consistently have lower quality-of-life scores'
By Sam Jackson | May 8, 2023
People suffering from sinusitis should see an ENT specialist to help improve their quality of life.

Allergy sufferers have multiple treatment options, depending on what is more comfortable and convenient for them
By Sam Jackson | Mar 13, 2023
People who have spring allergies might start feeling their symptoms kicking in as trees have begun to pollinate.

Supporters say Texas school choice could help ‘kick-start a reversal of teacher attrition and retirement’
By Sam Jackson | Mar 6, 2023
School choice legislation is on the table in several states, and proponents argue that it could wind up benefiting public school teachers.

Education policy expert says Texas 'will be short thousands of skilled workers by 2030'
By Sam Jackson | Feb 28, 2023
Two education experts, Jorge Borrego and Erin Davis Valdez, recently authored a report on Texas workers, which concluded that many young students are not "career-ready."

Harris files bill in Texas House to prevent 'invasive' teaching of critical race theory in state colleges and universities
By Sam Jackson | Feb 21, 2023
Texas Rep. Cody Harris (R-Palestine) has filed a bill in the Texas House that would ban the teaching of critical race theory in public colleges and universities in the state, making a school ineligible to receive state funding if it teaches CRT.

Texas Association of Manufacturers: 'High-quality workforce training programs and career readiness are essential' to Texas' manufacturing industry
By Sam Jackson | Feb 17, 2023
The Texas Association of Manufacturers said training programs that produce highly qualified workers are essential in order for the manufacturing industry in Texas stay ahead after a tweet by the Manufacturers Alliance questioned the availability of talent.

Arkansas Gov. Sanders announces ‘most transformational, bold, conservative education reform in the country’
By Sam Jackson | Feb 14, 2023
Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has rolled out her education plan for the state, including an Education Freedom Account to be phased in over three years to allow families to choose the best schools for their children.