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Marisa Bono | Chief Executive Officer | Every Texan website

More Texans than ever before enrolled in ACA health plans in 2024, feds say


According to new federal data, more Texans have enrolled in affordable health care coverage through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) than ever before. The Texas Tribune reported on the success of this accomplishment and spoke with Senior Policy Analyst Karla Martinez, who commented on the implications of this achievement.

The federal government has revealed that Texans have saved an average of $560 on their annual health care premiums for ACA marketplace insurance coverage. This significant savings is attributed to federal tax dollars spent on health care subsidies and premium tax credits through the 2021 American Rescue Plan Act and the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act.

Karla Martinez, of Every Texan, expressed her excitement about the positive outcome of the federal government's investment. She stated, "We're thrilled to see the federal government's investment is paying off, with millions of people across Texas and the nation now getting the insurance they need to stay healthy." Martinez emphasized the importance of prioritizing affordable health care, stating, "Clearly our elected officials can improve access to affordable health care when they make it a priority."

The success in increasing enrollment in ACA health plans can be attributed to the efforts of state lawmakers from both political parties. In 2021, these lawmakers unanimously supported initiatives to enhance the impact of federal subsidies and make insurance plans in the marketplace more affordable.

This news comes as a positive development for Texans who have struggled with access to affordable health care. The ACA has proven to be instrumental in providing affordable coverage options, and the increased enrollment demonstrates its effectiveness. With more Texans now having access to the insurance they need, the overall health and well-being of the population can be improved.

The Texas Tribune article provides further details on this achievement and highlights the importance of continued support for affordable health care initiatives. The success in enrollment serves as a testament to the positive impact that can be achieved when elected officials prioritize the well-being of their constituents and invest in affordable health care options.

By making health care accessible and affordable, Texans can receive the necessary medical attention and preventive care to maintain their health. The increased enrollment in ACA health plans is a step in the right direction, but it is crucial to sustain and build upon this progress to ensure that all Texans have access to quality health care coverage.

The federal data revealing the increased enrollment in ACA health plans in Texas is a promising sign for the future. With continued support and investment, more Texans will have the opportunity to obtain affordable health care coverage, leading to improved health outcomes and a stronger, healthier population.