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Texas Public Safety Department said Selected members of class B-2023 were chosen for the Texas DPS

Texas DPS announced that selected members were recruited from the class B-2023 to serve the Texas Department of Public Safety. The newly formed team, commemorated by Governor Abbott for their bravery and efforts, officially began their service on November 17th.

Highlighting the composition of this newly inducted team, According to San Angelo Live, 76 recruits were accepted into the Texas DPS. Director Steven McCraw praised their dedication and resilience saying, "Members of Class B-2022 have put themselves to the test physically and mentally over the last 28 weeks, and today their hard work pays off." The celebratory ceremony took place in Austin with troop trainers ranging from ages 21 to 52.

Moving on to provide details about the diverse skillset within these recruits, As reported by San Angelo Live, out of all recruitments part of this class, 26 were veterans and 20 had prior experience in law enforcement. It was also noted that 28 among them are bilingual or multilingual. These recruitments will officially start working for the DPS on December 11th after undergoing a rigorous 28-week program at the academy.

To give us a sense of what training for such a position entails, the Texas DPS described it as extremely challenging. Director Steven McCraw expressed his support stating, "While I can't promise it will be an easy one, I can promise it will be a life that means something, and that DPS will be here to support them and their loved ones every step of the way." During this intense period at the academy, around twelve hundred hours of orders were given. The comprehensive curriculum covered various areas including crash investigation and traffic law enforcement among others.