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With onset of COVID-19, even more Texas families find benefits from homeschooling


Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, homeschooling in Texas was becoming a more viable option for parents. With the onset of the pandemic, it has become more of a priority.

Analysis from Texas 2036 indicates almost 250,000 students representing 4% or more all Texas students are missing from Texas schools and only two of every five is receiving in-person instruction. It went further to indicate the state’s trend copies a national rent and is likely to continue to do so, Education Daily Wire reported.

The Texas Home School Coalition referred to a Gallup found the number of people who would home school their children grew from 5% in 2019 to 10% in 2020. If those numbers were applied to Texas, it would mean more than 670,000 home-school students in the state and more than $7 billion in savings as Texas would not pay for their education.

Tinitia Dodd, a resident of Tomball, and her husband – wary of the impact peers were having on their children – made a decision to homeschool 14 years ago. 

“We wanted our faith and character values to shape our children’s character,” Dodd said. “We also had a son who struggled with learning to read and needed more one-on-one support.”

To date, the Dodds have homeschooled nine children, including those taking part in a number of homeschool groups.

“It is busy sometimes with driving them to their classes, but it works out well. At the beginning of the school year, we get to choose the classes based on the needs we have, and the days and times we believe will work best for us,” Dodd said. “I appreciate support from other teachers who teach my children because they have gifts and passions in the subject areas that I may not be able to give adequate time to, due to my work and family-life schedule and interests.”

Dodd insinuated it takes a village to raise a child, noting the amount of help from friends and other parents to ensure the children can make it from one destination to another. It is especially important given the children participate in extra-curricular activities.

As for curriculum, Dodd said she uses a combination of her own and others. Not every student receives the same curriculum.

“I do keep many texts and materials that worked well and try to reuse them to see if it will yield success in the future for that child,” Dodd said. “At the same time, I always have an ear open to hear and willingness to try a curriculum that worked well for other parents and their children who had similar learning styles, interests and age levels.”

Looking back Dodd said homeschooling has been the right decision with the desired results.

“Homeschooling is educating the heart of the child to develop character, integrity, work ethic, intrapersonal and interpersonal lifelong skills needed to develop into a man or woman who can add to his or her community the highest quality of life,” Dodd said.


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