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Texans could save $344 million each year through distributed storage, expense deferral


Texas has the potential to save $344 million a year through distributed storage and the deferral of transmission and distribution expenses and $300 million more in annual rate costs, according to PV-Magazine. 

Roughly 20% of investments for transmission and distribution could not both fulfill growth needs and serve as an avenue to add distributed battery storage, according to research from the Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance (TAEBA). 

On top of that, the report also found that 1,000 megawatts of distributed storage could potentially reduce how much Texas consumers are buying in electricity. The dip could total $300 million each year. The report, according to PV-Magazine, is called “The value of integrating distributed energy resources in Texas” and represents 25 businesses.

“Customers would save substantially if non-wires solutions were explicitly considered as competitive options compared to traditional infrastructure build-out,” TAEBA’s managing director Suzanne Bertin told the Texas Senate Committee on Business and Commerce this year.


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