TREC Chairman Scott Kesner | Facebook

Texas Real Estate Commission introduces new leaders to agents


The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) will introduce its new chairman and executive director to the real estate agents the state agency licenses with in-person and online sessions scheduled through the end of April.

TREC Chairman Scott Kesner and Chelsea Buchholtz, executive director, want the agents to help plan the agency’s future. They expect to discuss the challenges internet buyers brought to the industry. Other topics include questions about license portability across state lines and how to reduce barriers some agents see to entering the profession.

The planning sessions start with the Odessa Board of Realtors on March 24 at 1:30 p.m. at the Odessa Country Club. On March 31 they’ll take the planning session online with a Facebook live video session. The San Antonio Board of Realtors hosts the next meeting at noon on April 16. The TREC leaders get back online for a webcast with the Houston Association of Realtors at 1:30 p.m. on April 20. On April 24 at 2 p.m., the Austin Board of Realtors hosts a meeting. In the final session, the MetroTex Association of Realtors will hear from the TREC leaders at noon on April 30 at the DFW Realtors offices.

TREC provides licensing and education for real estate agents. The agency handles complaint investigation services. In this role, it regulates licensed agents and enforces state requirements.