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Texas Railroad Commission now working with new safety rules


The Texas Railroad Commission (RRC) last month adopted new pipeline safety rules, which include prohibiting natural gas distribution pipeline operators from putting in underground lines made of cast iron, wrought iron or bare steel.

Operators also are required to more fully assess possible safety risks involved in gathering lines, which move gases and liquids from wellheads and other sources to a processing facility, refinery or transmission line.

The new rules were adopted in accordance with House Bills 864 and 866, passed by the state Legislature last year.

"The Railroad Commission's highest priority is public safety," Wei Wang, RRC executive director, said in a news release. "These new amendments enhance our existing rules requiring pipeline operators to construct, operate and maintain their pipelines in compliance with Texas laws and regulations."

Local distribution gas pipeline operators bring natural gas to homes and businesses through thousands of miles of small-diameter distribution pipes.

Beginning Dec. 31, 2021, the RRC also will require the pipeline operators to switch out any known existing cast iron pipelines.

 “With more than 469,000 miles of pipelines, Texas’ pipeline infrastructure is key to delivering energy to Texans, the nation and world,” Wang said. “By taking truck traffic off the highways, pipelines continue to be one of the safest ways to transport crude oil and natural gas.”

The U.S. Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration estimates, “it would take a constant line of tanker trucks, about 750 per day, loading up and moving out every two minutes, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to move the volume of even a modest pipeline,” the release states.

The new rules also require operators to report incidents and accidents on gathering lines that cause death or hospitalization; extensive property damage or gas loss of 3 million cubic feet or more. A follow-up plan to remediate such occurrences also must be submitted to the RRC.