Nevada governor on school choice: 'Let’s start trusting parents'

Nevada governor on school choice: 'Let’s start trusting parents'

Gov. Joe Lombardo (R-NV) took to social media last week to push for his legislation that he says would open up greater choice for which schools parents choose to send their children.

Abbott in letter to Biden: 'This chaos is the direct result of your failure to enforce the immigration laws that Congress enacted'

Abbott in letter to Biden: 'This chaos is the direct result of your failure to enforce the immigration laws that Congress enacted'

The widely reported letter that Gov. Greg Abbott handed President Joe Biden during the latter's visit to Texas earlier this month told the president not to believe a sanitized version of what his immigration policies are doing to the southern border.

Gov. Abbott on death of 51 migrants: 'These deaths are on Biden'

Gov. Abbott on death of 51 migrants: 'These deaths are on Biden'

Gov. Greg Abbott expanded border security last week after dozens of migrants were left to die in an abandoned semi-truck on a country road almost 150 miles north of the US-Mexico border, a tragedy the governor said was "on" President Joe Biden

Do you know what you're allergic to?

Do you know what you're allergic to?

Many people suspect they have allergies and other sinus conditions, but they don't realize the ramifications of waiting too long to seek treatment.

Conservative analysts defend Texas' proposed voting changes

Conservative analysts defend Texas' proposed voting changes

Many observers can be forgiven for thinking that Texas Republicans want to disenfranchise as many voters as possible and their legislation to accomplish that failed after the dramatic Democratic walkout in the state Senate last week.

Kolkhorst's bill to tackle foster care crisis passes Texas Senate, heads to House committee

Kolkhorst's bill to tackle foster care crisis passes Texas Senate, heads to House committee

The Texas Senate’s top child-welfare policy writer says the state has waited long enough to resolve its foster care overcapacity crisis and that she and other top state leaders are backing community-based care.

Current community-based model 'is the future of foster care in Texas,' Austin-based policy expert says

Current community-based model 'is the future of foster care in Texas,' Austin-based policy expert says

A report is critical of the program's implementation, but a child and family expert with an Austin-based public policy foundation is supportive of an expansion of the state's current community-based foster care model.

News reports: COVID-19 could lead to uptick in Texas human trafficking

News reports: COVID-19 could lead to uptick in Texas human trafficking

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is making homelessness worse in greater Austin and, in turn, is increasing human trafficking in Texas, according to news reports.

CDC director: 'We can't let our guard down' as COVID-19 cases plummet in Texas, nation

CDC director: 'We can't let our guard down' as COVID-19 cases plummet in Texas, nation

The number of new COVID-19 cases in Texas and the U.S. are falling precipitously, although a leading health official cautioned last weekend that the pandemic remains far from under control, according to various news reports.

Keller mayor foresees legal fight over violent arrest of father, son 'coming to a close'

Keller mayor foresees legal fight over violent arrest of father, son 'coming to a close'

A suburban Dallas community is still pondering the arrest and assault by two of its police officers against a North Texas man and his son last summer that led to a now-settled federal lawsuit and a promise by city leaders to make sure such encounters will not happen again.

News reports: China building 'insane' number of new coal plants this decade

News reports: China building 'insane' number of new coal plants this decade

Despite being "a dismal year for coal power" in much of Asia, China is moving ahead with plans to build "an insane number of new coal plants," despite being the No. 1 producer of renewable energy materials, Reuters and other international news outlets have reported.

Paxton whistleblower previously mentioned in unrelated February discrimination charge

Paxton whistleblower previously mentioned in unrelated February discrimination charge

David Maxwell, one of four whistleblowers suing Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton following complaints that Paxton used his office to break the law, is himself subject of a complaint filed by an assistant district attorney.

Texas restaurants brace for new COVID-19 restrictions; half may close before spring

Texas restaurants brace for new COVID-19 restrictions; half may close before spring

Restaurants across Texas are waiting for the other shoe to drop in the form of more restrictions as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

SXSW planning virtual event in March 2021, no word on in-person events

SXSW planning virtual event in March 2021, no word on in-person events

South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin is putting on a brave face as it moves ahead with a 2021 virtual event following the city's unilateral decision to cancel this year's event due to COVID-19.

Plano councilman Williams urges pressure on candidates to oppose taxpayer-funded lobbying

Plano councilman Williams urges pressure on candidates to oppose taxpayer-funded lobbying

In an Oct. 8 tweet, Plano City Councilman Shelby Williams urged voters to pressure candidates for public office to pledge their opposition to taxpayer-funded lobbying.

Publicly disgraced former UT regent gets vindication, if not apology from school

Publicly disgraced former UT regent gets vindication, if not apology from school

Former University of Texas Regent Wallace L. Hall Jr. is living proof of the maxim that no good deed goes unpunished.

DOE announces millions in college and K-12 grants following Trump administration push for reopening

DOE announces millions in college and K-12 grants following Trump administration push for reopening

The U.S. Department of Education has announced tens of millions of dollars in grants following insistence last month by Secretary Betsy DeVos, the Trump administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that schools reopen this fall.

Energy Alliance: Eliminate billions in subsidies to Texas renewable energy generators

Energy Alliance: Eliminate billions in subsidies to Texas renewable energy generators

The tens of billions of dollars in subsidies going to Texas wind and solar projects needs to stop, said the head of a business energy watchdog in a recent news release.

Pediatric group: Benefits of in-person education outweigh COVID-19 risks

Pediatric group: Benefits of in-person education outweigh COVID-19 risks

The physical, academic and mental benefits of going back to school during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic outweigh health risks to students, the American Academy of Pediatrics said in an announcement issued earlier this summer.

Texas GOP U.S. House reps ask EPA to approve renewable fuel standard waivers

Texas GOP U.S. House reps ask EPA to approve renewable fuel standard waivers

The majority of Texas' Republican representatives in the U.S. House recently joined other Republican lawmakers to ask the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to approve the renewable fuel standard waiver requests from governors of in oil-producing states.