Texas Blockchain Council adviser promotes value of bitcoin
By Juliette Fairley | Feb 17, 2023
When Jon West discovered bitcoin in 2010 due to the 2008 global financial crisis, he determined it would never work; however, after five years of monitoring the cryptocurrency and researching it, he changed his mind.

Life on the border: 'I have to walk around with a handgun' to protect home from illegal immigrants
By Juliette Fairley | Jun 16, 2021
When Teresa Chapoy looks out her window these days, she’s not surprised to see illegal aliens walk across her lawn into the United States over the Mexican border in Val Verde County.

Texas House approves 2-year extension for 'mainly unnecessary' Chapter 313 property tax abatements
By Juliette Fairley | May 13, 2021
The Texas House of Representatives approved House Bill (HB) 4242 last week in an effort to kick the can down the road regarding Chapter 313 property tax abatements, according to a think tank analyst.

Texas House GOP chair: 'We are actually coming together' to advance criminal justice reform
By Juliette Fairley | Mar 31, 2021
The death of George Floyd resulting from an applied chokehold by a Minneapolis police officer has prompted Texans to take action to protect their citizens from police brutality as protestors rallied at the Texas Capitol last week to advocate for the passing of the Texas George Floyd Act.

Austin Justice Coalition seeks to end arrests, jail for fine-only offenses
By Juliette Fairley | Mar 31, 2021
Advocates from the Austin Justice Coalition have been working on non-jailable reform since 2017 and expect to see progress this year.

University of Texas study offers 'glimpse into the scope and impact of human trafficking in Texas'
By Juliette Fairley | Mar 23, 2021
How service providers and policymakers are interpreting sex trafficking is creating gaps that cause them to miss opportunities to better help victims, according to a University of Texas study on child trafficking.

Former federal prosecutor Whitaker: Class C misdemeanor arrests should be 'rare'
By Juliette Fairley | Mar 18, 2021
As a former state and federal prosecutor, Matthew Whitaker has prosecuted thousands of criminal cases. In his role as chairman of the American Freedom Initiative, he’s in the business of righting wrongs.

Urban Reform Institute president: 'Long past time' to end practice of arrests over fine-only offenses
By Juliette Fairley | Mar 16, 2021
The practice of arresting individuals involved in fine-only offenses should be outright banned, according to an urban policy analyst.

Critics question Texas PUC's authority to set rates during winter storm
By Juliette Fairley | Mar 15, 2021
During the surprise winter storm last month, the Public Utility Commission of Texas allegedly decided that the market was not acting as it believed it should and hiked prices to the maximum of $9,000 per megawatt-hour.

Winter weather highlights role wind and solar energy plays in Texas power outages
By Juliette Fairley | Feb 16, 2021
Energy Alliance Policy Director Bill Peacock isn’t surprised that grid operators are blaming frozen wind turbines in West Texas for power that has been offline due to unusually cold weather.

State agencies must appear before House committee for budget requests per new rules presented by Schaefer
By Juliette Fairley | Jan 28, 2021
Texas House of Representatives leaders adopted two new budget rules presented by Rep. Matthew Schaefer (R-Tyler), who thanked House Speaker Dade Phelan in a tweet last week.

University of Texas study: Sex and labor trafficking victims share common challenges
By Juliette Fairley | Dec 18, 2020
There are more than 300,000 victims of human trafficking in Texas of whom nearly 79,000 are minors and youth victims of sex trafficking, according to a 2016 University of Texas at Austin Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (IDVSA) study.

Pardo parents finally removed from child abuse registry after enlisting help of legislators, THSC
By Juliette Fairley | Dec 18, 2020
After a harrowing experience with Child Protective Services, Ashley and Daniel Pardo finally have been removed from the state’s registry of child abusers.

Macias Strategies CEO: 'Taxpayers don't believe that lobbying is a proper use of their tax dollars'
By Juliette Fairley | Dec 9, 2020
Taxpayer-funded lobbying among cities and counties is a conflict of interest, creating significant barriers to enacting conservative fiscal policy, which has led to a recent push to ban the practice, according to the owner of a political consulting firm.

Abbott's child sex trafficking team eyes data to prevent exploitation, serve survivors
By Juliette Fairley | Oct 16, 2020
Gov. Greg Abbott’s office has determined that many girls who are in human trafficking treatment programs coordinated by the state of Texas have been exploited and trafficked by their mothers at a young age.

Rally at Abbott's mansion attracted people from 'every corner of the state'
By Juliette Fairley | Oct 16, 2020
When Mark Meckler helped organize the Oct. 11 protest in front of Gov. Greg Abbott’s mansion last weekend, he didn’t expect to meet people from all over the state who felt strongly about re-opening the economy.

Allies Against Slavery building statewide human trafficking database with governor's office
By Juliette Fairley | Oct 14, 2020
When his sister survived sexual assault, John Nehme wanted to support her, which put him on a path to eventually led to Allies Against Slavery, a nonprofit that advocates against human trafficking.

Some 'hope and pray' Abbott will offer financial assistance from campaign account to keep 18 House seats
By Juliette Fairley | Oct 7, 2020
Republican politicians are under fire in Texas but GOP Gov. Greg Abbott has yet to break open his campaign coffers to assist.

Expert says impact is minimal from 4.3% loss of Texas education jobs
By Juliette Fairley | Oct 2, 2020
Approximately 4.3% of education jobs in Texas have been lost due to the pandemic, according to a Zippia study, but some experts are skeptical.

Tourism board: COVID-19 could have worse impact on Austin than 9/11
By Juliette Fairley | Sep 30, 2020
COVID-19 has affected Austin tourism nine times worse than 9/11 ever did, according to Austin tourism officials.