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OPINION: Texas’s Cold War: A Call for “Ceasefire”

OPINION: Texas’s Cold War: A Call for “Ceasefire”

In Texas, the legal and political tension between state lawmakers and its populous, “blue” urban cities and counties is nothing new, but the intensity of this ongoing power struggle has, by any measure, increased in recent history. Undoubtedly this “Cold War” between state and local governments reached a crescendo during the 88th Regular Session with HB 2127 by State Representative Dustin Burrows. Popularly known as the “Death Star” bill, the legislation was intentionally broad in enshrining explicit language in state law limiting local governments’ historically broad statutory authority to impose regulation within their jurisdictions.

OPINION: Do Not Mail Checks in Window Envelopes!

OPINION: Do Not Mail Checks in Window Envelopes!

A couple of months ago, I wrote a check for about $200 to my pool company for the monthly maintenance. It was a computer-generated check that I mailed in a window envelope, which made it apparent that a check was enclosed. After about ten days, the check had still not cleared. I called the company and they said they had not received it. A couple of days later, the check cleared my bank twice, except the payee and the amount had been altered. Instead of being payable to my pool company for $200, the check was shown to be payable to a company and a person I had never heard of and were for a total of over $14,000.

OPINION: Austin rail project rewriting Texas norms, state leaders should weigh in before it goes too far

OPINION: Austin rail project rewriting Texas norms, state leaders should weigh in before it goes too far

During the 88th regular session, a legislative fight about how the Austin Transit Partnership (ATP) is financing a $7 billion + light rail project in Austin concluded with a sustained point-of-order brought by Representative John Bucy in the final days of the session.

OPINION: The Texas Grid Held . . . Barely

OPINION: The Texas Grid Held . . . Barely

During the recent winter storm Heather (January 13-16), the Texas grid was able to produce enough energy to meet the demand, but just barely.

OPINION: Texas Supreme Court to Determine Legality of $26 Billion Energy Tax

OPINION: Texas Supreme Court to Determine Legality of $26 Billion Energy Tax

Next week, the Texas Supreme Court will hear oral arguments to determine the legality of a 2021 Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) rule that arbitrarily raised the price of electricity to $9,000 per megawatt hour during Winter Storm Uri—about four times the market price at the time.

OPINION: The Real Costs for Texas Southern Border Counties

OPINION: The Real Costs for Texas Southern Border Counties

Beyond immigration concerns, Texas is grappling with a significant and heartbreaking challenge.

OPINION: Reliability, Affordability, and Accountability of the Texas Grid Up in the Air

OPINION: Reliability, Affordability, and Accountability of the Texas Grid Up in the Air

Concerns over the future reliability and affordability of Texas’ electric grid were brought to the forefront with the recent resignation of the person hired by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) to monitor the performance of the Texas electricity market.

 The U.S. Natural Gas Landscape: A Pragmatic Policy Approach Is Needed

The U.S. Natural Gas Landscape: A Pragmatic Policy Approach Is Needed

The United States, and Texas in particular, is quietly experiencing a continuation of a revolution in natural gas production. Despite strong consumption and record exports, domestic prices remain at around $3 per million British thermal unit (Btu). This is a remarkable productivity success story, with Texas leading the charge, accounting for over half of the nation’s growth so far in 2023.

 Public Information Reform: A Step Toward Transparency

Public Information Reform: A Step Toward Transparency

Public Information Reform: A Step Toward Transparency

 Peacock: Renewables behind Texas grid emergency

Peacock: Renewables behind Texas grid emergency

When the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the operator of most of the Texas electric grid, declared an Energy Emergency Alert 2 on Sept. 6 for the first time since Winter Storm Uri, it exposed how renewable energy and renewable energy subsidies are rapidly undermining the reliability of the Texas electric grid.

 We all have the power to ensure child wellbeing in Texas

We all have the power to ensure child wellbeing in Texas

Child wellbeing should be a priority at all levels of American government, especially when it comes to children who face abuse, neglect or are otherwise at risk. By a 6-to-1 margin, voters say the federal government should spend more on the health, safety and wellbeing of our children, according to a 2022 nationwide poll.

Will Gov. Abbott deliver a school choice victory?

Will Gov. Abbott deliver a school choice victory?

Overshadowed by the impeachment proceedings in the Texas legislature is the issue of school choice. Will Governor Abbott call a special session to pass a school choice bill? Will he be able to whip the votes in the House that would deliver this major legislative priority?

Op-ed: Renewable energy: Big business and big government getting rich off taxpayers

Op-ed: Renewable energy: Big business and big government getting rich off taxpayers

Oldham County Judge Don Allred cannot stop gushing about the money the county is making off of renewable energy.“Wind has been a Godsend,” he said.


Are California’s Blackouts a Glimpse of Texas’ Future?

Californians have recently seen each new day bring the prospect of more rolling blackouts.Despite warnings from the California Public Utilities Commission that blackouts could affect millions, about only 600,000 homes and businesses have lost power.