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TxDOT explains uniformity and installation process of traffic signs

Traffic signs are a common sight on roads, but their uniformity across the United States is no accident. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) adheres to the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which ensures that traffic signs are consistent and easily recognizable to drivers.

Cory Jucius, a traffic engineer with TxDOT's Austin District, explained the importance of this standardization: "If you're seeing a stop sign out there, they're all going to be red octagonal. Your warning signs are all yellow. You're not going to see cursive writing on it. We have to meet the proper lettering. We have to meet the proper sizes. We have to meet again those minimum criteria."

Before installing a new sign, TxDOT evaluates its necessity for safety improvements or potential issues like increased traffic congestion. Jucius noted, "Everybody wants stop signs, it seems like. And obviously, we can't put stop signs at every location."

Once approved, common signs such as stop or speed limit signs are installed quickly due to availability in stock. Larger highway signs may require more time and resources.

When signs are damaged or missing, TxDOT relies on public reports for timely repairs. "We are liaisons for the public to the department," Jucius said. "So, we do depend on the public to let us know if something's down."

Jucius emphasized that these efforts aim at enhancing road safety: "We are really striving to make our roads safer."

Information from this article can be found here.

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