In Texas, we take pride in doing things our way—fiercely independent, accountable, and committed to putting people before politics. But a corruption scandal unfolding at Cooper Health in New Jersey should sound alarm bells for all Texans. It’s a stark reminder that political cronyism and abuse of public trust aren’t just distant problems; they’re threats that could seep into our own backyard if we’re not vigilant.
Texas has built a reputation for strong governance and robust oversight, but no state is immune to corruption. The Cooper Health scandal in New Jersey has infiltrated our great state, demonstrating just how dangerous it is when powerful figures, like a Cooper Health board member, manipulate public institutions for personal gain. The board member, a New Jersey political heavyweight under indictment, has allegedly turned Cooper Health into a playground for self-enrichment, prioritizing profits and power over the people it’s meant to serve.
Non-profit hospitals like Cooper Health receive billions in taxpayer subsidies to provide critical care to vulnerable populations. However, the Cooper board member has been accused of hoarding state resources and funneling funds into his political empire—all at the expense of taxpayers and patients alike.
The threat for Texans is our own MD Anderson Cancer Center, a global leader in oncology that is governed by the same Cooper system. MD Anderson is currently partnered with Cooper Health in New Jersey, lending its name and gold star status in cancer care to an institution that is likely appears to be using it for more harm than good. Texans must demand accountability—not just from Cooper Health but also from any institution that chooses to align itself with such corruption, and that includes MD Anderson.
The stakes are especially high in a state like Texas, where our population is growing rapidly, and access to health care is critical for our future. The misuse of public funds in New Jersey deprives patients of care and erodes trust in health care systems. Texans cannot afford to let similar behavior undermine our institutions. We must ensure that public resources are spent where they’re needed most—on patients, not political insiders.
This isn’t just about protecting Texas from corruption; it’s about setting an example for the nation. Our state has a long history of leading the way, whether it’s in economic innovation, education reform, or energy independence. Now, we have an opportunity to lead in safeguarding the integrity of our health care systems. We must demand transparency, hold our institutions accountable, and ensure that the public trust remains unbroken.
The Cooper Health scandal should serve as a rallying cry for all Texans. It’s a reminder that corruption thrives when we look the other way. It’s also closer to home than we may think. Let’s take this moment to double down on our commitment to fairness, accountability, and the Texan way of doing things. We cannot let Jersey corruption take down Texas’s gold standard in healthcare.
Taylor McCray is a Texas-based political consultant