Gov. Greg Abbott | File photo

True Texas Project CEO on Free Texas rally: 'The cure is worse than the disease'


It’s time for Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to ease up because that’s what most Lone Star State residents want, according to True Texas Project CEO Julie McCarty, who took part in a rally Saturday outside the Governor’s Mansion in Austin. 

McCarty said the state needs to be open for business, recreation and all other aspects of life.

She was called on to take part in the “Free Texas” rally. Texas Republican Party Chairman Allen West and Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller both spoke, and Miller said the governor has to realize the lockdown isn’t effective or advisable.

“Quite frankly, governor, your cure is worse than the disease,” he said.

West read a resolution that the state Republican executive committee approved in September titled, “No Exceptions, No Delays ... Open Texas NOW.” It passed by a 54-4 vote after Abbott announced he was easing some restrictions but keeping others in place.

McCarty, who also spoke, said she felt compelled to attend and raise her voice. She also shared a video and photos of the protest on the TTP Facebook page.

“As a leader of a large organization, folks come to me regularly asking for help,” she told Lone Star Standard. “They are frustrated and don't know what to do. Gov Abbott needed to know there are great numbers of us looking for him to ease up.

“Even if you are a person who agreed with the governor when COVID first hit, all of the new data coming out should put anyone's mind at ease,” McCarty said. “As has been said by numerous professionals, the cure is worse than the disease.”

She offered advice for people who believe the lockdown is needed to keep people safe as the national death toll reaches 215,000 and more than 17,000 Texans’ deaths are attributed to the pandemic. 

“Turn off the TV. Do a little research,” McCarty said. “True data is not hard to find once you step away from mainstream media.”

She said there are other concerns that need to be considered.

“But stepping away from health concerns, the bigger issue is protecting our rights,” McCarty said. “Abbott is not a dictator – even if he wants to be. We have checks and balances in place for a reason. He should have called the Legislature into session to make ongoing decisions as opposed to hoarding all the power in his own hands.”

Although Abbott, a 62-year-old political veteran, is a Republican in his second term as governor, he has taken a lot of heat from fellow GOP members in 2020. McCarty said she has a theory why he has refused to open Texas.

“Gov. Abbott has made it very clear, he is not a lover of liberty,” she said. “He actually made that obvious during the last legislative session, so this is no surprise to those of us who keep up with Texas politics. Now the whole nation knows it.”

The point of the rally was making sure that people knew a lot of Texans want the restrictions removed, McCarty said. It also sent a message to the governor, who is said to eye the White House.

“One, Texans have the most power when we unite in standing up for our rights,” she said. “People should get involved. Two, Abbott is not who you think he is. He is definitely not presidential material.”

McCarty said the rally proved that Abbott's decisions this year have caused a lot of unrest among Texans.

“I lead a lot of efforts and work with a lot of people," she said. "You tend to get to know the folks willing to play a part. This was different. We brought a bus of about 50 people. Less than 10 were 'regulars.' Abbott’s mandates have impacted every citizen in the state, and they are not happy.”


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